House Hunting

  1. 2. (of a situation) not giving cause for hope or optimism.
              “their prospects for the future looked fairly dim”
There are times when you find it hard to be optimistic regarding a matter. I am having that situation now, this past month has been very hectic with trying to find a new place to move to. House hunting is so much harder than I thought. This month has been tough in terms of being positive. After a lot of waiting, and hunting I found a place it had its downsides but I was willing to look over it. The reference process was very long it reminded me of applying for student finance which was very annoying and not straightforward at all. So it took around 4-5 days of processing the referencing only to get a phone call this morning saying that it did not work out. But I just didn’t understand how that is possible providing documents for student finance next year is not possible yet.
From this experience I have learned a lot, I usually like to be a positive person and see hope in everything but right now I haven’t found a place to move in and I need to leave my current place in 2 days. So, sometimes we have moments when we do feel like the hope for something good is very slim, I am still trying and hopefully, I will find something. It is okay and normal to feel like this once in a while, as long as you don’t dwell on it for too long. Can you relate to this?
~Thoughts By Shiha…
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3 thoughts on “House Hunting

  1. I am inspired by your ability to use a daily prompt word to write about a very real and difficult time in your life. I do hope you find a place to stay and that it is not only exactly what you need, but absolutely amazing.!

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